The 10 of Swords is traditionally seen as a death card or a card of endings. But not necessarily a literal death. In this case it’s described more as a literary death, with the keywords “Leaving the Story.” We create our own stories, with our own lives as the settings and ourselves as the central characters. We choose to stay or go, in most situations of life.
Freeing Your Expression
Tarot of Transformation, 5 of Wands. There are five mushrooms in the scene, and they are the “wands,” described in the text as illustrating the organic movement of expression in their growth patterns.
Ignorance or Innocence?
0 The Fool: Ignorance or Innocence? The figure in this card wears a costume reminiscent of a harlequin, and a mask. The figure follows a star, but looks over their shoulder at a smaller figure who appears to be demanding attention.
Tarot of Transformation
Tarot of Transformation. I find these cards particularly healing in their images and messages. It’s almost like having a deck of 78 Major Arcana. To view images and reviews of Tarot of Transformation, visit creator Jasmin Cori’s Amazon Author Page, Creator Willow Arlenea’s Website. Willow Arlenea has a YouTube channel with some videos related to…
Dreams and memories
My husband told me this morning about a dream he had of a parakeet and a myna bird. I won’t go into the details, they weren’t important to what I’m writing here. Just the fact that those two birds were in his dream. It didn’t carry meaning for me until later.